Top "Shapely" questions

PostGIS-ish operations outside a database context for Pythoneers and Pythonistas.

Extract points/coordinates from a polygon in Shapely

How do you get/extract the points that define a shapely polygon? Thanks! Example of a shapely polygon from shapely.…

python polygon shapely
How to create a shapely Polygon from a list of shapely Points?

I want to create a polygon from shapely points. from shapely import geometry p1 = geometry.Point(0,0) p2 = geometry.Point(1,0) p3 = …

python polygon shapely
Faster way of polygon intersection with shapely

I have a large number of polygons (~100000) and try to find a smart way of calculating their intersecting area with …

python numpy shapely
Could not find library geos_c or load any of its variants

I use Python in Fedora 19. I wanted to run the following line: import shapely.geometry but the following error appears: …

python shapely
How do I get Python libraries in pyspark?

I want to use matplotlib.bblpath or shapely.geometry libraries in pyspark. When I try to import any of them …

python python-2.7 pyspark shapely
How do I plot Shapely polygons and objects using Matplotlib?

I want to use Shapely for my computational geometry project. I need to be able to visualize and display polygons, …

python matplotlib shapely
Python, GEOS and Shapely on Windows 64

When trying to install Shapely on my Windows 64bit computer, I cannot get the GEOS library to work. So far, …

python gis geospatial shapely
Make a union of polygons in GeoPandas, or Shapely (into a single geometry)

I am trying to find the union of two polygons in GeoPandas and output a single geometry that encompasses points …

python pandas geopandas shapely
Check if geo-point is inside or outside of polygon

I am using python and I have defined the latitudes and longitudes (in degrees) of a polygon on the map. …

python polygon coordinate-systems shapely point-in-polygon
Calculate overlapped area between two rectangles

I want to calculate the overlapped area "THE GRAY REGION" between red and blue rectangles. Each rectangle is defined by …

python numpy matplotlib polygon shapely