Top "Shadow-dom" questions

Shadow DOM, a key part of Web Components, allows you to create component-based apps using a subtree of DOM elements maintained in isolation from the main DOM.

How to get element in user-agent shadow root with JavaScript?

I need get elements from Shadow DOM and change it. How i can do it? <div> <input …

javascript html web-component shadow-dom
Can I access the shadow DOM using jQuery?

I defined a component with polymer like this: <polymer-element name="my-component"> <template> <div id='test'&…

javascript jquery dom polymer shadow-dom
Override styles in a shadow-root element

Is there a way to change styles found in a shadow element? Specifically, extend/overwrite some properties found in a …

javascript css web-component shadow-dom
How to remove a shadow root from an HTML element adorned with a Shadow DOM from a template?

I'm exploring imports, templates, shadow DOM and custom elements in Chrome Canary (33.0.1712.3). In a grid layout I have a particular …

html web-component shadow-dom html5-template
How to query elements within shadow DOM from outside in Dart?

How can I select nodes within shadow DOM? Consider the following example: structure of "unshadowed" DOM <app-element> #shadow-root &…

css-selectors dart polymer dart-polymer shadow-dom
Accessing Shadow DOM tree with Selenium

Is it possible to access elements within a Shadow DOM using Selenium/Chrome webdriver? Using the normal element search methods …

javascript python selenium selenium-chromedriver shadow-dom
document.querySelector() returns null

I'm creating a polymer element. I've made the template and am now working on the script. For some reason document.…

javascript html polymer shadow-dom
CSS selector for shadow root or all top level elements in shadow root

I need a selector for usage in css inside a shadow root, which selects all children (but not grand children) …

css html shadow-dom
How to listen for custom events defined web component

I have a custom element my-checkbox that wraps a checkbox, label, styling, etc. When that checkbox is toggled I am …

javascript dom web-component shadow-dom custom-element
Difference between constructor and connectedCallback in custom elements v1

I am new to web development and recently I have been seeing much debate and talks about Custom Elements v1. …

javascript html web-component shadow-dom custom-element