Top "Sftp" questions


How can I enable passive mode while using JSch as SFTP client?

I'm using JSch as SFTP client and now I need to enable passive mode because of some limitation of security. …

sftp jsch passive-mode
CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt: No cmake_minimum_required command is present. A line of code such as cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)

I'm trying to build ssh.lib from source using cmake. For this purpose I have downloaded the libssh 0.8.2, Win32OpenSSL_…

visual-c++ ssh cmake sftp libssh
Convert Ed25519 to RSA fingerprint (or how to find SSH fingerprint)

BizTalk sees thumbprint for an internal SFTP test as ssh-rsa 2048 33:88:f0:ff:63:78:a9:2b:3f:09:cb:05:81:db:59:86 WinSCP shows: ssh-ed25519 256 …

ssh sftp biztalk ed25519
Sharpssh directory listing

I'm writing an application that allows me to up- and download files from a remote server. I'm using sftp as …

c# sftp sharpssh
SharpSSH invalid privatekey

I use SharpSSH to connect to a stfp-server. This for I need to add a privatekey-file like this: sftp.AddIdentityFile(…

c# sftp private-key sharpssh
Proftpd - SFTP with Virtual Users

I'm trying to configure a SFTP with Proftpd. I've successfully configured the SFTP with Unix Users, but now I'd like …

ubuntu virtual sftp proftpd
psftp says "The server's host key is not cached in the registry"

I'm getting the following message when trying to connect to an SFTP server from PowerShell using psftp: Error: psftp.exe : …

powershell ssh sftp psftp
Commons VFS - Cannot list the contents of a directory

I have a problem with Commons VFS. I want to connect to a directory using SFTP and list it. Here …

java sftp apache-commons-vfs
Does SFTP need Bi-Directional access

I have following script to get given file from given remote directory by accepting following parameters Host Name that you …

port sftp bidirectional
SSH.Net Async file download

I am trying to download files asynchronously from an SFTP-server using SSH.NET. If I do it synchronously, it works …

c# asynchronous sftp