Top "Sftp" questions


SSH - a way to transfer files without opening a separate SFTP session?

Not really a programming question, but relevant to many programmers... Let's say I have opened an SSH session to another …

shell ftp ssh sftp openssh
JSch SFTP security with session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");

I use JSch with private key to FTP file jsch.addIdentity(privatekeyfile); Session session = jsch.getSession( "user", "" ,22); session.…

sftp jsch public-key key-pair
How can I use sftp with SAP?

Currently we use FTP, but there is a requirement to use SFTP. According to our Basis guys SFTP will not …

sftp saprfc sap-basis
Check whether the path exists on server or not in Java

I'm creating a Java program in which I upload a file to a server on a particular path. I am …

java sftp jsch file-exists
Sublime text SFTP on EC2

I use Sublime text SFTP to work on my remote servers, and when I hit Ctrl-S, it uploads automatically to …

amazon-ec2 sublimetext2 sftp
SharpSSH jsch Algorithm negotiation fail

I use SharpSSH .NET library for SFTP. When I try to connect …

.net ssh sftp sharpssh
how to download compressed file (.zip) through FTP using c#?

How to download .zip file format using c# code? Here is the code, i am using to download. Just to …

c# ftp sftp ftpwebrequest
Commons VFS and - Adding support for "sftp://" protocol

We're trying to use Apache Commons VFS to access something over SFTP. It claims to support SFTP, however we're getting …

java linux url sftp apache-commons-vfs
Configuring timeout on JSch ChannelSftp operations

I am using JSch library to list and download files from a SFTP server. Channel channel = this.session.openChannel(SFTP_…

java sftp jsch
Apache MINA SFTP Example

I'm trying to set up an SFTP server with multiple users that each have their own home directory. I read …

java sftp sshd apache-mina