Top "Setup-deployment" questions

Microsoft Setup and Deployment Wizard for Visual Studio or the .NET framework

General failure building bootstrapper

while doing the build of my dontnet 4.0 project setup i'm getting following errors An error occurred generating a bootstrapper: Unable …

visual-studio-2010 .net-4.0 setup-project setup-deployment bootstrapper
How to configure post-build events for setup/deployment projects in Visual Studio

My solution has two projects. One is my actual project and another one is setup project. My actual project has …

visual-studio-2010 visual-studio setup-deployment pre-build-event
Will an app continue to work if my provisioning profile expires?

I have an app that is loaded onto one of my development phones. The provisioning profile that was used for …

iphone xcode setup-deployment
Visual Studio Setup Project conditional if File Exists

I have a Setup/Deployment Project for my Application and it outputs certain files (*.dll, *.dat) to the Application Folder. …

visual-studio-2008 setup-project setup-deployment
How should a QA Environment be setup?

I am currently at a loss. We are moving from Dev-owned testing environment to a QA-owned one. I have worked …

installation development-environment qa setup-deployment
Branch does not exist

the command git branch --set-upstream-to develop origin/develop results in the error fatal: branch 'origin/develop' does not exist I …

git branch git-branch setup-deployment continuous-deployment
Generate the license key from the unique machine key in C# win forms Setup

I have developed an C# win forms application in Visual Studio 2010 and to provide security to it I am generating …

c# installation setup-deployment license-key
Deploying Django with gunicorn and nginx

This is a broad question but I'd like to get a canonical answer. I have been trying to deploy a …

django deployment nginx setup-deployment gunicorn
Programmatically access All Users Start Menu

Does anyone know how to programmatically access the "All Users" Startup Menu? In XP, located here: C:\Documents and Settings\…

c# .net setup-deployment special-folders
C# - windows service installer not registering service

I'm trying to use an installer for a Windows service, and would like to avoid using InstallUtil.exe. The installer …

c# windows-services windows-installer setup-deployment