Settings may refer to the tweaking which can be used to help improve the user-experience or performance etc.
I'm wondering what is the magic behind .settings files in .NET. Imagine you create an assembly called in this example …
.net settingsI'm attempting to change the screen brightness from withing a service, like so: android.provider.Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), android.…
android service settings screen-brightnessI have a Google Blogger blog where I blog. Sometime ago, I posted a post but now after getting new …
.htaccess redirect settings blogger http-status-code-301I am having issues with IntelliJ - it shows me a "decompiled" version of the class instead of its source …
intellij-idea settings decompilerI have the following files to handle shell configuration: #~/.bash_profile if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bashrc fi and #~/.bashrc ... …
bash shell visual-studio-code settingsI have the following: using CommonSettings = MyProject.Commons.Settings; public class Foo { public static void DoSomething(string str) { //How do …
c# settings settings.settingsI am writing a C# .NET 2.0 .dll that is a plug in to a Larger application. The visual studio project …
c# .net-2.0 settings appsettingsStarting with iOS 7, Apple's Multitasking APIs allow apps to run in three new Background Modes: Background fetch, Remote notification content, …
objective-c background multitasking ios7 settingsMy iPhone app has few settings that users is likely to change quite often. I would like to know if …
ios iphone cocoa-touch settings user-preferences