Top "Setter" questions

Setter is public mutator method, used in object-oriented programming, which gives new value to a private member of a class.

How to make Style.Triggers trigger a different named style to be applied

Lets say I have the below: <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1" /> <…

wpf triggers styles setter
Difference between @interface definition in .h and .m file

Normally we use @interface interface_name : parent_class <delegates> { ...... } @end method in .h file and in .m file …

objective-c interface header-files setter getter
Swift 4.2 Setter Getter, All paths through this function will call itself

With swift 4.2 I have begun to see a lot of issues, and one of them i'm not really sure how …

swift variables setter getter
PHP set object properties dynamically

I have a function, that should read array and dynamically set object properties. class A { public $a; public $b; function …

php object setter
How to generate a hibernate ID with auto generate with a starting value

Hi I have written code like this @Id @Column(nullable=false) @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) public int getUserID() { return UserID; } …

database hibernate annotations setter auto-generate
what are ES6 class getter and setter actually?

what are actually getter and setter methods in ES6 class definition? are they infact prototype props ? for examle: class Person{ …

javascript ecmascript-6 setter
Swift - Custom setter on property

I am converting a project in to Swift code and have come across an issue in a setter. My Objective-C …

swift setter
Shortcut for calling all the setter methods on an object in Eclipse?

I want to create an object of a class in and then set all the properties in it using setter …

java eclipse code-generation setter
Getter and setter, pointers or references, and good syntax to use in c++?

I would like to know a good syntax for C++ getters and setters. private: YourClass *pMember; the setter is easy …

c++ pointers reference setter getter
How to define dynamic setter and getter using reflection?

I've a list of strings, field names, of a class in a loop from resource bundle. I create an object …

java reflection setter getter