Top "Session-timeout" questions

A session timeout occurs when a unique application session (e.g. a web session) expires due to a time limitation placed on the session.

PHP - Destroy session if not any action in 10 minutes

Is there any option to destroy a session if user does not perform any action in 10 minutes?

php session session-timeout
Session timeouts in PHP: best practices

What is the actual difference between session.gc_maxlifetime and session_cache_expire() ? Suppose I want the users session to …

php security cookies session-timeout
Automatically perform action in client side when the session expires

I want to display in a <p:growl> that the session has expired. I found many methods to …

jsf primefaces session-timeout
Detect Session Timeout in Ajax Request in Spring MVC

I can't see seem to find a good example/answer on how to send back some data from an ajax …

ajax session spring-mvc spring-security session-timeout
IIS Session Timeout vs ASP.NET Session Timeout

In IIS 6 (and other versions too afaik), there is a Session Timeout setting in Properties -> Home Directory Tab … iis session session-timeout
Springboot app session timeout

I have created a SpringBoot MVC/Security app 1.2.2.RELEASE and my contains server settings like #Tomcat port and …

java spring-boot session-timeout
Changing the default session timeout of a spring web application

I have to test a web application that is written by spring and jsp. The default session-timeout for the application …

java spring tomcat session-timeout
Session timeout confusion - session.setMaxInactiveInterval(0)

I am new to JEE and this is what confuses me. According to HttpSession.html#setMaxInactiveInterval(int interval) documentation An …

java session jakarta-ee glassfish session-timeout
How to set rails session cookie expiration time to "session"

I'm not very experienced with the parts of Rails that are not on the surface. All I want is to …

ruby-on-rails ruby session session-timeout
Session should never expire by itself

I'm using login function in my site with session. This session of mine gets expired after a few minutes irrespective …

php session session-timeout