Top "Session-timeout" questions

A session timeout occurs when a unique application session (e.g. a web session) expires due to a time limitation placed on the session.

Prevent session expired in PHP Session for inactive user

I have a problem with my application: my application has many forms and need about 1 hour to finish this form …

php session session-timeout
How to keep alive a user's session while they are posting on a forum?

I have a site with a session timeout of 15 minutes. On some pages a user occasionally spends longer than 15 minutes …

jquery http forms session-timeout Implementing Auto-Logout functionality

I have to implement auto-logout functionality in one of my projects and i just cant figure out where to start … ajax session-timeout logout
How to configure a session timeout for Grails application?

In one of controllers in my Grails application I'm preserving a parameter value in a session variable like this: session.…

session grails session-variables session-timeout session state mode "SQLServer"

"My website is LIVE. And this problem is related to configure session timeout on LIVE server and not in localhost." … sql-server session session-state session-timeout
When is Session_End() called in ASP.NET MVC?

I have configured my Web.Config file as follow in a ASP.NET MVC 2 project: <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="1"/&… web-config session-state session-timeout
What is the default session timeout and how to configure it when using the Spring Session with Redis as the backend

My application currently use Spring Session together with Redis as the backend. I searched into the official documentation for Spring …

redis session-timeout spring-session
JSP Automatic Redirect After Session Expire/Timeout

Is there any way to detect session timeout without (user interaction)*, and redirect it to some page; i.e. if …

java jsp session-timeout
Session time out setting in ASP.Net

I have set session time out to 9 hours in web.config file something like this: “<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="540" /&… iis-7 iis-6 session-state session-timeout
Yii users being logged out after 15-30 minutes despite session timeouts being set to at least 1 day

I've included the relevent parts of our Yii config file below: return array( ... 'components'=>array( 'session' => array( 'timeout' =&…

php session cookies yii session-timeout