Top "Session-state" questions

Session-state allows the retrieval of values for a given user as that user navigates through a website.

ASP.Net Custom Session State Management

Is it possible to build a fully customized Session State Mode instead of using Inproc or SQLServer? session-state
What is the difference between Session.Abandon() and Session.Clear() in ASP.Net?

What is the difference between Session.Abandon() and Session.Clear() in ASP.Net? session session-state
Logout Django Rest Framework JWT

I want to ask if it's a good idea to logout when I'm using JWT. To log in, I send …

django django-rest-framework jwt session-state django-rest-framework-jwt
Asp.Net MVC and Session

I'd like to construct an object in different steps in an mvc application, each step being a different … session-state session-variables
How does ASP.Net Cookieless work ?

I try to set the <sessionstate /> in my web.config but I don't know what are they. I … web-config cookieless session-state
Is it necessary to create ASP.NET 4.0 SQL session state database, distinct from existing ASP.NET 2.0 ASPState DB?

Is the ASP.NET 4.0 SQL session state mechanism backward-compatible with the ASP.NET 2.0 schema for session state, or should/must … sql-server .net-4.0 session-state
Changing expiry on ASP.NET's Session State cookie

I'm using ASP.NET Session State to keep track of logged in users on my site. However, one problem I'm …

c# session cookies session-state
IE double postback hangs IIS 7 in Integrated Managed pipeline mode when session is accessed

Here's my environment: IIS7.5 on Win 7, .NET 4, App Pool Integrated web.config <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration&…

internet-explorer iis-7 session-state integrated-pipeline-mode
How to get SessionID on a request where EnableSessionState="False"

I want to be able to get the SessionID of the currently authenticated session in a WebMethod function where EnableSession = … session-state webmethod sessionid
ASP.Net Session

I am wanting to store the "state" of some actions the user is performing in a series of different ASP.… session session-state