Top "Django-rest-framework-jwt" questions

Django REST JWT Refresh

Implemented Django REST and authentication using JWT. For JWT token we have to refresh it before it expire. After expired …

django-rest-framework jwt django-rest-framework-jwt
Django rest framework JWT and custom authentication backend

I have a custom user model and have created a custom authentication backend. I am using django rest framework, and …

django django-rest-framework django-rest-framework-jwt
Logout Django Rest Framework JWT

I want to ask if it's a good idea to logout when I'm using JWT. To log in, I send …

django django-rest-framework jwt session-state django-rest-framework-jwt
How to return custom data with Access and Refresh Tokens to identify users in Django Rest Framework simple JWT?

In Django, superuser can add more user according to their roll. I'm using simple JWT with DRF for authentication. But …

django-rest-framework django-rest-framework-jwt