Session hijacking is a type of network security attack that relies on "guessing" the ISNs of TCP packets and taking control over communication.
Most Web Applications use cookies to manage the session for a user and allow you to stay logged in even …
security web-applications cookies session-hijackingWhile I was reading about session hijacking articles, i learned that it would be nice to encrypt session id value …
php session-hijackingI know this topic has been discussed a lot, but I have a few specific questions still not answered. For …
php security session sessionid session-hijackingI recently read an article on making ASP.NET sessions more secure here and at first it seems really useful. … security session-hijackingI'd like to find out what session ID hijacking protection is built into the current version of ASP.NET. I … security session session-hijackingIt keeps running in my mind the last couple of days, but I read some articles about how to make …
php user-agent salt session-hijackingI'm trying to figure out how to prevent session hijacking. Here's what I was thinking of doing: Along with the …
php security session session-hijacking