Top "Servercontrols" questions

A server control in classic ASP.

Change Text Box Color using Required Field Validator. No Extender Controls Please

I need to change color of TextBox whenever its required field validator is fired on Clicking the Submit button servercontrols requiredfieldvalidator
ASP.NET Control to HTML tag equivalent

I'm looking for a cheat sheet that will allow me to show an HTML designer the equivalent controls … html tags servercontrols
How to register custom server control on ASP.NET page

I have a project and I am trying to register a custom server control (there is no .ascx file) on … custom-server-controls servercontrols
The name 'control' does not exist in the current context

I am having trouble with an error on a site I am working on that I've inherited, upon grabbing the …

c# webforms servercontrols
retrieve ID of server control using jQuery

How do I get the ID of a server control with jQuery? E.g. I have <asp:Label ID="…

jquery servercontrols
Add <Script ... /> tag within <Head ... /> tag in ServerControl (ASP.NET)?

I'm gonna use JQuery files in my custom ServerControl , thus I have to add below line within Head tag. <…

c# jquery servercontrols servercontrol
Using HtmlTextWriter to Render Server Controls?

I'm writing the RenderContents() method of my ASP.NET server control. The method uses an HtmlTextWriter object to render the … stringbuilder servercontrols htmltextwriter method-chaining
How to set specific ID for server controls in an ASP.NET Web Form that is using a MasterPage?

Is it possible to set a specific ID on an ASP.NET server control? Everytime I assign an ID and … servercontrols
How to embed a static image resource in a web server control?

I am going to create a web server control representing a treeview. So I want to use 2 images for + and … image embedded-resource servercontrols
How to create ASP.NET user/server control that uses a list of asp:ListItem as child controls?

I am looking to create a user/server control that will be created with something like the following: <my:…

.net user-controls servercontrols