Top "Server-side-rendering" questions

Serverside rendering is a technique for rendering a client-side app on the server.

AngularJS - server-side rendering

As you may know, AirBnb opensourced Rendr ( which should enable server-side rendering of Backbone apps. …

node.js angularjs templates server-side-rendering zombie.js
React JS Server side issue - window not found

Hi I'm trying to use react-rte in my reactJS project. I have server side rendering and every time I want …

javascript reactjs webpack server-side-rendering draftjs
Next js - disable server side rendering on some pages

Is it possible to disable ssr on some pages using Next js? For example, I have a page with a …

reactjs next.js server-side-rendering
React - “localStorage is not defined” error showing

I am trying to make my website SEO friendly with meta tags. I am implementing server-side rendering in my application. …

reactjs local-storage meta-tags server-side-rendering
Nextjs redux, thunk and getInitialProps - how to implement

I want to use nextjs in my new project with redux and thunk also. I wondering how to implement all …

reactjs redux redux-thunk next.js server-side-rendering
How to detect window size in Next.js SSR using react hook?

I am building an app using Next.js and react-dates. I have two component DateRangePicker component and DayPickerRangeController component. I …

reactjs next.js server-side-rendering react-dates
Conditional redirection in Next.js

Is it possible to conditionally redirect a user to another Url based on cookie value? I know I can inspect …

javascript reactjs server-side-rendering nextjs
Nested routes in Next js

I have a simple SPA and the App and About components are like below. When I click on About link, …

reactjs server-side-rendering next.js
SecurityError: Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History':

I am facing this issue across all browsers. This comes up whenever I try to view my site in Google …

angular universal server-side-rendering
Managing user's global state on next.js application

I am coming from the world of SPA's and REST/GraphQl API's. Now I am building personal project with Next.…

node.js next.js server-side-rendering react-state-management global-state