Top "Sequelize.js" questions

The Sequelize library provides an ORM (Object-Relational-Mapper) for Node.

GraphQL queries with tables join using Node.js

I am learning GraphQL so I built a little project. Let's say I have 2 models, User and Comment. const Comment = …

sql node.js sequelize.js graphql
Unhandled rejection SequelizeDatabaseError: relation "users" does not exist

I am getting started with Sequelize. I am following the documentation they are providing on their website :http://docs.sequelizejs.…

javascript node.js postgresql sequelize.js pgadmin
Sequelize: Using Multiple Databases

Do I need to create multiple instances of Sequelize if I want to use two databases? That is, two databases …

javascript mysql node.js sequelize.js
How can use LEFT JOIN at Sequelize?

Relations: Shop.hasMany(ShopAd, {foreignKey : 'shop_id', as : 'ads'}); ShopAd.belongsTo(Shop, {foreignKey : 'id'}) I using : Shop.findAll({where:{id:…

node.js sequelize.js
Create a table and add indexes in a single migration with Sequelize

What is the correct way to create a table and add indices on some of its columns in a single …

indexing migration sequelize.js
What goes in the Sequelize "config file"?

I'm just starting out with Sequelize in Node.js and finding the documentation really lacking. I have a 'db' module …

node.js sequelize.js
belongsTo vs hasMany in Sequelize.js

What's the difference between B.belongsTo(A) and A.hasMany(B) Artist = sequelize.define('Artist', {}); Album = sequelize.define('Albums', {}); Album.…

sql node.js orm sequelize.js
Set defaultValue to todays date in a Sequelize migration

I'm using Node Express with Sequelize and I want to set the defaultValue for the column "date" in the database …

node.js express sequelize.js sequelize-cli
Get Sequelize.js ENUM Values from Already Defined Model

How do we get the ENUM values of a model after defining it in Sequelize.js? For example, we define …

node.js enums sequelize.js
Sequelize: don't return password

I'm using Sequelize to do a DB find for a user record, and I want the default behavior of the …

sequelize.js password-storage