Top "Sentence" questions

A sentence is an ordinated sequence of words in a given language.

Maven: If sentences in pom.xml in the property tag

I'd like to set a property if an environment variable is set. I googled a lot on it and all …

xml maven if-statement pom.xml sentence
Python regex for finding all words in a string

Hello I am new into regex and I'm starting out with python. I'm stuck at extracting all words from an …

python regex words sentence
Split sentence into words but having trouble with the punctuations in C#

I have seen a few similar questions but I am trying to achieve this. Given a string, str="The moon …

c# regex split words sentence
How to capitalize letter only in beginning of sentences, and the next word is normal

I use this: Static PreviousLetter As Char If PreviousLetter = " "c Or TextBox1.Text.Length = 0 Then e.KeyChar = Char.ToUpper(e.… capitalize sentence
Javascript RegExp for splitting text into sentences and keeping the delimiter

I am trying to use javascript's split to get the sentences out of a string but keep the delimiter eg !?. …

javascript regex sentence
R break corpus into sentences

I have a number of PDF documents, which I have read into a corpus with library tm. How can one …

r split tm sentence qdap
Convert a list of string sentences to words

I'm trying to essentially take a list of strings containg sentences such as: sentence = ['Here is an example of what …

python string sentence
How to scramble the words in a sentence - Python

I have created the following code to scramble the letters in a word (except for the first and last letters), …

python sentence scramble
To take sentence as a input in c++

I am trying to take the input of the two sentences one after the other,but while printing it is …

c++ string input sentence
How to divide a sentence into parts Java?

How can I divide a sentence like "He and his brother playing football." into few part like "He and", "and …

java string sentence