Top "Sendfile" questions

c send and receive file

This is the server (sendfile) part: offset = 0; for (size_to_send = fsize; size_to_send > 0; ){ rc = sendfile(newsockd, fd, &…

c sockets sendfile
What is the difference between send_data and send_file in Ruby on Rails?

Which one is best for streaming and file downloads? Please provide examples.

ruby-on-rails ruby sendfile
express: how to send html together with css using sendFile?

I used the above node.js code to send a html file. To get the html file formatted I need …

html css node.js express sendfile
NodeJS sendFile with File Name in download

I try to send file to client with this code: router.get('/get/myfile', function (req, res, next) { res.…

node.js express sendfile
How to download file with send_file?

Can someone enlighten me how can I download file with send_file? I have a file image.jpg inside app/…

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4 sendfile
C, sendfile() and send() difference?

sendfile() copies data between two file descripters within kernel space. Somewhere I saw if you are writing a web server …

c linux send sendfile
expressjs: Sending a file from parent directory

I would like to use expressjs's sendfile to send a file from a parent directory of the script file. What …

javascript express sendfile
RSpec send_file testing

How to test a controller action that sends a file? If I do it with controller.should_receive(:send_file) …

ruby-on-rails rspec sendfile
Rails 3 - how to send_file in response of a remote form in rails?

I have this coupon form <%form_for(:download,:download,:url=>{:controller=>"coupons",:action=>"verifycoupon"},:remote=>…

ruby-on-rails-3 sendfile
Message "X-Accel-Mapping header missing" in Nginx error log

I am running a Rails 3 site on Ubuntu 8.04 with Nginx 1.0.0 and Passenger 3.0.7. In my Nginx error.log I started seeing …

nginx rack sendfile x-sendfile