Representation of database record subjects (a/k/a keys, IDs, entities), predicates (a/k/a columns, attributes), and objects (a/k/a values) as triples, where the first two are always URIs, and the third is either a URI or a literal; enabling humans and machines to more easily share, merge, and evaluate data from heterogeneous origins.
Are you working on a (probably commercial) product which uses RDF/OWL/SPARQL technologies? If so, can you please describe …
rdf semantic-webI'm trying to encode some botanical data in Turtle format, and read this data from Python using RDFLib. However, I'm …
python debugging semantic-web rdflib turtle-rdfI've studied SPARQL specification on the topic and also found this answer rather interesting. However definitions are complicated enough, so …
sparql rdf semantic-web blank-nodesSuppose I have a uri now he has a list of years in his …
rdf sparql semantic-web dbpediaWhat are the best (more or less mature, supporting more advanced logic, having acceptable performance, scalable to some extent) open …
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