Top "Self-updating" questions

Self updating software is capable of replacing itself or parts of itself with newer versions of all or specific program parts, sometimes omitting any user interaction.

Self deletable application in C# in one executable

Is it possible to make an application in C# that will be able to delete itself in some condition. I …

c# .net self-updating self-destruction
Updating TextView every N seconds?

I've been very confused about this recently and can't find an answer anywhere. When programming for android, I want to …

android textview self-updating
Self updating app

TL:DR; version ;) my app should run without user interaction (autostart etc works) it should update itself (via apk) without …

android apk updating self-updating
How to create a self-updating Node.js application?

I'd like to create an application with Node.js that periodically checks for updates and installs them if there are …

node.js versioning auto-update self-updating
Self updating application in

I want my application to self-update if there is a different size executable available on the remote server. The problem … process executable self-updating