How do I run specific scenario in cucumber

Rakesh kumar picture Rakesh kumar · Apr 21, 2017 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

How to run specific scenario in cucumber out of multiple scenario?

Feature file

Feature: Test Milacron Smoke scenario

  Scenario: Test login with valid credentials
    Given open firefox and start application
    When I click on Login
    And enter valid "[email protected]" and valid "Thought@123"
    Then Click on login and User should be able to login successfully

  Scenario: Test shop for cart
    Given Click on shop for carts
    And select plates
    When Click on Add to cart
    Then product should be added in the cart successfully
    And verify the product

Scenario: Test login with valid credentials1
    Given open firefox and start application
    When I click on Login
    And enter valid "[email protected]" and valid "Thought@123"
    Then Click on login and User should be able to login successfully

  Scenario: Test shop for cart1
    Given Click on shop for carts
    And select plates
    When Click on Add to cart
    Then product should be added in the cart successfully
    And verify the product

Test Runner

package runner;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

@Cucumber.Options(features="features",glue={"steps"},format = {"pretty", "html:target/Destination"})

public class TestRunnr {



Akarsh picture Akarsh · Apr 21, 2017

Use tags future in the cucumber like below.

Feature: Test Milacron Smoke scenario

  Scenario: Test login with valid credentials
    Given open firefox and start application
    When I click on Login
    And enter valid "[email protected]" and valid "Thought@123"
    Then Click on login and User should be able to login successfully

  Scenario: Test shop for cart
    Given Click on shop for carts
    And select plates
    When Click on Add to cart
    Then product should be added in the cart successfully
    And verify the product

  Scenario: Test login with valid credentials1
    Given open firefox and start application
    When I click on Login
    And enter valid "[email protected]" and valid "Thought@123"
    Then Click on login and User should be able to login successfully

  Scenario: Test shop for cart1
    Given Click on shop for carts
    And select plates
    When Click on Add to cart
    Then product should be added in the cart successfully
    And verify the product

If you want to run only Test1 scenario update runner file like below.

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

@CucumberOptions(features="features",glue={"steps"},format = {"pretty", "html:target/Destination"},tags={"@Test1"})
public class TestRunner {


If you want to execute multiple scenarios keep comma sepearated tags as mentioned below.

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

    import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
    import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

    @CucumberOptions(features="features",glue={"steps"},format = {"pretty", "html:target/Destination"},tags={"@Test1,@Test2"})
    public class TestRunner {
