Top "Selenium-rc" questions

Selenium Remote Control - Answer to UI level functional test Web automation

WebDriver Chrome Browser: Avoid 'Do you want chrome to save your password' pop up

Every time my webdriver tests login into the application, 'Do you want chrome to save your password' pop up appears.. …

selenium selenium-webdriver selenium-rc selenium-chromedriver selenium-grid
How to create cookie using selenium?

I want to create a cookie using selenium. I have seen a method which supports this like selenium.createcookie(arg1,…

How to execute choice of test cases from multiple test cases

I want to execute few selected test cases from my class of multiple test cases using php unit with ease. …

php phpunit selenium-rc
Understanding Selenium IDE vs Selenium RC

What is the difference between Selenium IDE and Selenium RC with its functionality?

selenium-rc selenium-ide
Why is Selenium RC so slow?

For some time I have been investigating Selenium RC in order to do functional testing of my web application. I …

selenium selenium-rc
Obvious reason to move from Selenium RC to Webdriver.?

From past 4 months am doing automation testing using Selenium RC. But recently i came to know that Selenium RC is …

selenium webdriver selenium-rc selenium-webdriver
Searching for protractor test recorder

I want to test an Angularjs Project using protractor and I am looking for test recorder (like Selenium IDE) to …

angularjs testing protractor selenium-rc recorder
How to use unicode inside an xpath string? (UnicodeEncodeError)

I'm using xpath in Selenium RC via the Python api. I need to click an a element who's text is "…

python unicode xpath selenium-rc
Selenium: Is there any JS (JavaScript) code coverage tool which we can integrate with Selenium Server/RC

Selenium: Is there any JS (JavaScript) code coverage tool which we can integrate with Selenium Server/RC Hi, I want …

selenium selenium-rc code-coverage
Testing a "Dojo" web application with Selenium

Has anyone done some extensive automation with Selenium and a Dojo-heavy web app? I'm looking for any issues or problem …

selenium dojo selenium-rc