Top "Selectize.js" questions

Selectize is a jQuery based hybrid form control, combining elements of both “textbox” and “select”. It includes autocomplete, native-feeling keyboard navigation and is able to utilize remote data sources to build visually rich controls.

How to set a value for a selectize.js input?

I have a form from which I would like to copy some default values into the inputs. The form inputs …

javascript jquery html selectize.js
Selectize.js manually add some items

I want add some items to a selectized input after user clicks on a button. The input data are loaded …

javascript jquery selectize.js
How to get the value of the currently selected Selectize.js input item

I was wondering, how could I get the value of the currently selected item in my Selectize.js input? I …

javascript jquery jquery-plugins selectize.js
How do I set the selectize.js options list programmatically?

I know how to set the optionList on Initiliaztion but how do I set it programmatically? I have an inviteList …

How to clear a selected value in Selectize.js dropdown?

I have a selectize.js dropdown and I have to clear the selected value . I have tried this (as suggested …

javascript jquery selectize.js
Loading values into Selectize.js

Problem I have a text input that I have selectized as tags which works fine for querying remote data, I …

javascript jquery json selectize.js
selectize.js reload dropdown

I have a dropdown with id "selectCountry" filled by ajax and on success I just bind the Selectize. $('#selectCountry').…

javascript jquery json autocomplete selectize.js
How to change placeholder of selectize.js dropdown?

I want to change placeholder of a dropdown created by selectize.js when the parent dropdown changes its selection to …

javascript jquery dynamic placeholder selectize.js
Disabling selectize dropdown when a checkbox is checked

I have implemented Selectize on my HTML form. However a dropdown only becomes active when the "enable" checkbox is clicked. …

javascript jquery selectize.js
How to set a default value in selectize.js?

I'm trying to find a way to set a default value in selectize.js. I know that in jQuery you …

javascript jquery html selectize.js