Top "Select-for-update" questions

Use this tag for questions about the SQL construct SELECT ... FOR UPDATE, which is an extension of standard SQL found in some databases to lock result rows as soon as you fetch them.

When to use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?

Please help me understand the use-case behind SELECT ... FOR UPDATE. Question 1: Is the following a good example of when SELECT ... …

mysql sql sql-server transactions select-for-update
Postgres SELECT ... FOR UPDATE in functions

I have two questions about using SELECT … FOR UPDATE row-level locking in a Postgres function: Does it matter which columns …

postgresql plpgsql postgresql-9.1 select-for-update
SQLAlchemy - select for update example

I'm looking for a complete example of using select for update in SQLAlchemy, but haven't found one googling. I need …

python sqlalchemy select-for-update

I have question regarding what purpose we are using SELECT FOR UDPATE? What does it do exactly? I have 2 tables, …

mysql transactions innodb select-for-update
select "for update" with JDBC?

I want to create a for update select statement in Java using JDBC, but not sure how it would be …

java postgresql jdbc select-for-update
What's the purpose of SELECT ... *FOR UPDATE*?

I'm confused as to why you would specify FOR UPDATE -- why does the database care what you're going to …

mysql select-for-update