Top "Security-policy" questions

How do I set the security.policy file for a specific application from within NetBeans?

I am having a bit of trouble -- a lot actually -- trying to figure out how get NetBeans to …

java netbeans security-policy
"Error with Permissions-Policy header" getting after Chrome update

Getting following error from the console window after updating the chrome to version 88.0.4324.104 Error with Permissions-Policy header: Parse of permission …

google-chrome aurelia security-policy
NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy in design-time mode

Is there any way to make legacy design-time code execute with NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy switched on? More specificaly, is there any …

visual-studio-2010 devexpress security-policy
Exception: access denied ("" "localhost:80" "listen,resolve")

Using Eclipse Kepler (Windows 7) for a project which opens a ServerSocket on localhost, port 80. I use a security manager with …

java eclipse securitymanager codebase security-policy