Top "Search" questions

Questions about search algorithm mechanics and implementation.

Searching for value of any field in MongoDB without explicitly naming it

I looked through the MongoDB documentation and googled this question but couldn't really find a suitable answer. So, here is …

search mongodb field
mongodb find by multiple array items

If I have a record like this; { "text": "text goes here", "words": ["text", "goes", "here"] } How can I match multiple …

arrays search mongodb
JIRA: Searching for all issues with a given link type

Is there a way to query for all issues with a particular link type? For example, let there be a …

search jira issue-tracking jql
Nearest neighbors in high-dimensional data?

I have asked a question a few days back on how to find the nearest neighbors for a given vector. …

algorithm language-agnostic search machine-learning nearest-neighbor
What is the difference between graph search and tree search?

What is the difference between graph search and tree search versions regarding DFS, A* searches in artificial intelligence?

search artificial-intelligence a-star tree-search
How do I search for a number in a 2d array sorted left to right and top to bottom?

I was recently given this interview question and I'm curious what a good solution to it would be. Say I'm …

algorithm search multidimensional-array
Using Git, how could I search for a string across all branches?

Using Git, how could I search within all files in all local branches for a given string? GitHub specific: is …

git search github branch
How can I add an integrated Google search to my website?

Basically I have a website. I have a properly setup sitemap so I assume Google knows about all of my …

search google-custom-search
oracle blob text search

Is it possible to search through blob text using sql statement? I can do select * from $table where f1 like …

oracle search blob
How to search and replace globally, starting from the cursor position and wrapping around the end of file, in a single command invocation in Vim?

When I search with the / Normal-mode command: /\vSEARCHTERM Vim starts the search from the cursor position and continues downwards, wrapping …

search vim replace