Top "Seam3" questions

Seam 3 is a collection of modules and developer tooling tailored for Java EE 6 application development, with CDI as the central piece.

Unsatisfied dependencies for type [...] with qualifiers [@Default] at injection point (using @Stateful EJB with CDI)

I have the following code to manage two kinds of repositories. Both repository classes inherit an interface to allow reinitialization …

java ejb-3.0 java-ee-6 cdi seam3
Primefaces p:calendar with p:ajax value not updated (one step delay)

I want to call a bean after a date is selected in a p:calendar. In my setup I have …

ajax jsf-2 primefaces seam3
Configuration to be able to @Inject EntityManager in Seam 3

In my project I use Seam 3 and I am having issues injecting the EntityManager with the @Inject annotation. I am …

java configuration persistence cdi seam3
Memory leak with ViewScoped bean?

In our JavaEE6 project (EJB3, JSF2) on JBoss 7.1.1, it seems we have a memory leak with SeamFaces @ViewScoped. We made …

jsf-2 memory-leaks cdi seam3 view-scope