Top "Seaborn" questions

Seaborn is a Python visualization library based on matplotlib.

Rotate xtick labels in seaborn boxplot?

I have a question that is basically the same as a question back from 2014 (see here). However, my script still …

python-3.x pandas matplotlib seaborn
seaborn color_palette as matplotlib colormap

Seaborn offers a function called color_palette, which allows you to easily create new color_palettes for plots. colors = ["#67E568","#257…

python matplotlib plot seaborn
Display regression equation in seaborn regplot

Does anyone know how to display the regression equation in seaborn using sns.regplot or sns.jointplot? regplot doesn't seem …

python regression seaborn
Hide Axis Titles in Seaborn

Given the following heatmap, how would I remove the axis titles ('month' and 'year')? import seaborn as sns # Load the …

python-3.x seaborn
Seaborn Lineplot Module Object Has No Attribute 'Lineplot'

Using seaborn's documentation code to generate a lineplot returns an AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'lineplot'. I have updated …

python matplotlib visualization seaborn
pandas - multi index plotting

I have some data where I've manipulated the dataframe using the following code: import pandas as pd import numpy as …

python pandas seaborn python-ggplot
Change number of x-axis ticks in seaborn plots

I would like to be able to control the number of axis ticks on a seaborn plot in Python 3.5. I'm …

python axes seaborn
How to adjust transparency (alpha) in seaborn pairplot?

I can create beatiful scatter plot with seaborns regplot, obtain the right level of transparency through the scatter_kws as …

python matplotlib seaborn
plotting value_counts() in seaborn barplot

I'm having trouble getting a barplot in seaborn. Here's my reproducible data: people = ['Hannah', 'Bethany', 'Kris', 'Alex', 'Earl', 'Lori'] reputation = […

python pandas seaborn
Plot point markers and lines in different hues but the same style with seaborn

Given the data frame below: import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({ "n_index": list(range(5)) * 2, "logic": [True] * 5 + [False] * 5, "value": …

python data-visualization seaborn aesthetics