Display regression equation in seaborn regplot

Vikram Josyula picture Vikram Josyula · Nov 3, 2015 · Viewed 33.7k times · Source

Does anyone know how to display the regression equation in seaborn using sns.regplot or sns.jointplot? regplot doesn't seem to have any parameter that you can be pass to display regression diagnostics, and jointplot only displays the pearson R^2, and p-value. I'm looking for a way to see the slope coefficient, standard error, and intercept as well.



millikan picture millikan · Nov 1, 2017

In 2015, the lead developer for seaborn replied to a feature request asking for access to the statistical values used to generate plots by saying, "It is not available, and it will not be made available."

So, unfortunately, this feature does not exist in seaborn, and seems unlikely to exist in the future.

Update: in March 2018, seaborn's lead developer reiterated his opposition to this feature. He seems... uninterested in further discussion.