Top "Sdl-image" questions

SDL_image is an image file loading library.

How to use SDL2 and SDL_image with cmake

I'm looking for the simplest way to compile a c++ program using SDL2 and SDL_image with cmake. Here is …

c++ cmake sdl sdl-2 sdl-image
Using .reset() to free a boost::shared_ptr with sole ownership

I'm storing an object (TTF_Font) in a shared_ptr that is provided to me from a third-party API. I …

c++ memory-management boost sdl-image
SDL_Image IMG_Load fails on png with: "Failed loading libpng16-16.dll:"

Whenever I try to load a PNG using SDL_Image's IMG_Load function it gives the error Failed loading libpng16…

windows load png sdl-2 sdl-image
How to statically compile an SDL game on Windows

I have been trying to produce a statically linked "single binary" version of my game for windows. I want to …

windows sdl sdl-image sdl-mixer
SDL_image's IMG_Load do not work

I am using IMG_Load() to load png file, but it simply not working. loadedImage = IMG_Load(filename.c_str()); …

C++: weird error "expected initializer before extern" in library SDL_image.h

I'm currently trying to make a simple game with SDL and Box2D. Unfortunately, the code I added to make …

c++ sdl sdl-image
"Undefined Reference To 'IMG_Load'" CodeBlocks and SDL_Image Error

I'm learning SDL through Lazy Foo's tutorial, but I can't proceed further as IMG_Load doesn't seem to work. I …

image load sdl codeblocks sdl-image
SDL2_image not found

I am trying to compile the following code which has the headers: #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #include <…

c++ ubuntu sdl sdl-2 sdl-image
Can't load image with IMG_Load()

I've got a problem with the SDL_image library. I wrote a simple program loading a spritesheet and animating it …

c++ linux eclipse image sdl-image