Top "Sdk" questions

A software development kit (SDK) is a set of development tools that allows for the creation of software for a certain hardware platform, development environment, or software package.

Failed to get the required ADT version number from the

Yesterday I tried to install ADT plugin to Eclipse, but when I restarted it I found the next screen: When …

android eclipse sdk adt
How to point Xcode to an old SDK so it can be used as a "Base SDK"?

My Mac's Setup: Volume A: OS X 10.8 Xcode 4.5 or later - 10.6 SDK IS NOT available as Base SDK Volume B: …

xcode macos sdk xcode4 xcode5
How to create folder or key on s3 using AWS SDK for Node.js?

I'm using AWS SDK for Node.js to create a folder or key on s3. I searched on google, but …

node.js amazon-web-services sdk
AVD hardware buttons not enabled

I just downloaded and installed the new Android SDK. When I start the emulator, on the emulator screen it says "…

android configuration sdk android-emulator avd
How to obtain OpenCL SDK?

I was perusing web site and only found headers for OpenCL (not OpenGL which I don't …

sdk gpu gpgpu opencl
How to use the 7z SDK to compress and decompress a file

According to this link How do I create 7-Zip archives with .NET? , WOPR tell us how to compress a file …

c# sdk 7zip compression lzma
Error: Please provide a path to the Android SDK

After installing the Android studio and launching it I am getting this error. I cannot specify the path to the …

android sdk android-studio-2.1
Looking for android Facebook SDK examples

I've looked all over the internet and can't seem to find what i'm looking for... I'm just trying to find …

java android facebook sdk facebook-android-sdk
How to make a chat application in android?

I would like to add chat functionality with online user in gmail in android. how to add chat feature in …

android sdk chat
Is there any open source Augmented Reality sdk for android?

I' ve found this question on StackOverflow but the two sdk mentioned looks really old (about 4 and 2 years ago): Where …

android sdk augmented-reality