Top "Sdk" questions

A software development kit (SDK) is a set of development tools that allows for the creation of software for a certain hardware platform, development environment, or software package.

Is there any way in Android to get the height of virtual keyboard of device

Is there any way in Android to get the height of the virtual keyboard displayed on the device in run …

android sdk
Android SDK install: Java SE development Kit (JDK) not found

Possible Duplicate: Android SDK installation doesn't find JDK I have installed Java runtime 6 to C:\src\libraries\jre6. I installed …

android sdk installation
Open XML SDK 2.0 - how to update a cell in a spreadsheet?

I want to update a cell in a spreadsheet that is used by a chart, using the Open XML SDK 2.0 (…

c# xml excel sdk
How can I get root permissions through the Android SDK?

I'm learning Android programming, and I want to make an application which has to run as root. The logical thing …

android sdk permissions manifest root
Updating Android SDK: "A folder failed to be moved."

While trying to update my Android SDK I am encountering this error when trying to install this particular package: How …

android sdk
Android SDK Manager won't update: connection to refused

This is the same problem as a number of other have reported, e.g. Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.…

android sdk https connection adt
How to retrieve the android sdk version?

How can I get the current Android SDK version(1.5, 1.6, 2.0, etc.) programmatically?

android sdk version
How to solve failed to find build tools revision 26.0.2?

I'm trying to Install Build Tools 26.0.2 and sync project Failed to find build tools revision 26.0.2 I clicked "Install Build Tools 26.0.2 …

android android-studio sdk android-studio-3.1
Can't find Android Support Repository in SDK Manager

I am following this: At step 2, I can't seem to find an …

sdk android-sdk-manager
Launch Android SDK manager - Tools directory doesn't exist? Mac

I'm on mac, I think I've done everything right so far. following these instructions:…

android sdk launch