Top "Scrum" questions

Scrum is an agile framework that helps manage a project, usually software development.

PHP Based Project Management Application (Scrum/Agile)

I've been fiddling with Redmine in the past few days and not 100% happy with the way it organises tasks etc. …

php project-management agile scrum
What is the relation between scrum agile and RUP?

RUP in the dialogue with Scrum There is a relation between Agile and RUP. Actually I though that Agile development …

agile scrum rup rational-unified-process
Breaking a project's first User Story in to tasks

I'm starting a new project from scratch and have written User Stores to describe how a given user will interact …

project-management agile scrum user-stories
What does it mean for a PBI to be committed while in the backlog in MSF Scrum 2.2?

In attempting to understand what I'm seeing in TFS 2012 Web Access under WORK | backlog | Product Backlog, I used the "Create …

tfs scrum backlog
Misusing the term "Code Freeze"

I'm just curious if the community considers it acceptable to use the term "Code Freeze" for situations where we stop …

testing process agile scrum code-freeze
Writing user stories for internal technical tasks

I am attempting to manage my projects a little better so I am looking at attempting to apply some of (…

project-management scrum user-stories
Manage Scrum Software

What software do you use to manage Scrum software development ? We've tried Tackle and VersionOne (both free) so far and …

Kanban/Scrum Boards

I'm curious as to what other people use for physical Kanban/Scrum boards in their companies. I appreciate that because …

project-management agile scrum agile-processes kanban
How do you apply Scrum to the design part of web development?

I'm starting to learn about Scrum, and I'm interested in trying it out with our development team. I have a …

scrum agile
Most suitable agile project management tool

I have been working with managing agile teams for quite some time. Now I'm at a company that no matter …

project-management agile scrum agile-project-management