Top "Scrollview" questions

Be sure to use a **platform specific** tag.

How to make Android ScrollView fading edge always visible?

By default scrollview's fading edge is visible only if it is possible to scroll in that direction. How can I …

android scrollview fading
Isn't there an easy way to pinch to zoom in an image in Swiftui?

I want to be able to resize and move an image in SwiftUI (like if it were a map) with …

swift image scrollview swiftui pinchzoom
Android: Dynamically add views to ScrollView

I have a ScrollView and I want to insert a user specified number of HorizontalScrollViews. So what user says he …

android scrollview programmatically-created
how can I make a scrollView autoscroll?

I have this scrollView: self.scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds]; self.scrollView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight; self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(320,3000); _…

xcode button scrollview playback autoscroll
Drag and Drop In ScrollRect (ScrollView) in Unity3D

I want to implement drag and drop on contents of scroll view. The problem is when you try drag items …

unity3d drag-and-drop scrollview eventtrigger scrollrect
Working with scroll down in Bottom Sheet

I want to scroll the view down when the bottom sheet is fully up (Dragged up to complete screen). It …

android scrollview bottom-sheet
Android: Drawing on Canvas in Scrollview

I'm pretty much new in programing for Android. My app is sample app from api demos on developer android website. …

android scrollview drawing2d
How to show the Scrollbar in a NestedScrollView

Hey i implemented a NestedScrollView in an Activity, but i cant show the scrollbar like i do in a ScrollView, …

android mobile scrollbar scrollview nestedscrollview
What I Have Learned About Unity ScrollRect / ScrollView Optimization / Performance

ScrollView performance is a real drag (get it?), especially on mobile platforms. I frequently found myself getting less that 15 fps …

unity3d optimization scrollview frame-rate scrollrect
CardView bottom border is cut off inside ScrollView android

I am putting the cardview inside scrollview, we expect to see that at the bottom, the border should be shown(…

android scrollview cardview