Top "Cardview" questions

CardView is a widget for implementing 'card-styled' views in Android.

How to add shadow on CardView aligned to bottom of parent

I have a CardView aligned bottom to screen, destpite the elevation I want to add more shadow to top of …

android shadow cardview
how to make an expandable list of cardviews?

I searched a lot to find a direct and clear solution for I think a popular problem but unfortunately I …

android listview nested expandablelistview cardview
how to create Horizontal scroll-able CardView

Hi I am try to create a page as below, I have a drawer layout and in the home screen …

android android-layout android-cardview cardview
How to fix : ERROR: Failed to resolve: 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'

I'm developing a new android application by using androidx libraries, and i need to use cardview in my layout. so …

android gradle androidx cardview
How to change card_view:cardCornerRadius programmatically

In my project, I am using RecyclerView in my listing using CardView. In my listing I have to set the …

android android-cardview cornerradius cardview
Space Between CardView

I need to add space between CardView. I tried to use the card_view:cardUseCompatPadding and it doesn't work. Any …

android cardview
CardView bottom border is cut off inside ScrollView android

I am putting the cardview inside scrollview, we expect to see that at the bottom, the border should be shown(…

android scrollview cardview
How to define margin of CardView

What is the default margin of Support CardView so I can define margin for my situation? <…

java android android-layout cardview
Setting CardView elevation programmatically

I do not know if this approach is the best, but I have the following problem: I want a list …

android android-recyclerview elevation cardview
Card View shadow much thicker at the bottom than at the top

I have an app that uses CardViews very extensively, pretty much for every UI element in each view. I noticed …

android android-cardview cardview