Top "Scipy" questions

SciPy is an open source library of algorithms and mathematical tools for the Python programming language.

scipy.misc module has no attribute imread?

I am trying to read an image with scipy. However it does not accept the scipy.misc.imread part. What …

python installation scipy dependencies python-imaging-library
MatPlotLib: Multiple datasets on the same scatter plot

I want to plot multiple data sets on the same scatter plot: cases = scatter(x[:4], y[:4], s=10, c='b', marker="…

python scipy matplotlib
How to calculate probability in a normal distribution given mean & standard deviation?

How to calculate probability in normal distribution given mean, std in Python? I can always explicitly code my own function …

python statistics scipy probability
How to create a density plot in matplotlib?

In R I can create the desired output by doing: data = c(rep(1.5, 7), rep(2.5, 2), rep(3.5, 8), rep(4.5, 3), rep(5.5, 1), rep(6.5, 8)) plot(density(…

python r numpy matplotlib scipy
How to delete columns in numpy.array

I would like to delete selected columns in a numpy.array . This is what I do: n [397]: a = array([[ NaN, 2., 3., …

python numpy scipy
Multiple linear regression in Python

I can't seem to find any python libraries that do multiple regression. The only things I find only do simple …

python numpy statistics scipy linear-regression
numpy.where() detailed, step-by-step explanation / examples

I have trouble properly understanding numpy.where() despite reading the doc, this post and this other post. Can someone provide …

python numpy scipy
Numpy Resize/Rescale Image

I would like to take an image and change the scale of the image, while it is a numpy array. …

python image numpy scipy resize
python numpy/scipy curve fitting

I have some points and I am trying to fit curve for this points. I know that there exist scipy.…

python numpy scipy curve-fitting
Specifying and saving a figure with exact size in pixels

Say I have an image of size 3841 x 7195 pixels. I would like to save the contents of the figure to …

python matplotlib scipy