Top "Scikits" questions

Scientific Python toolkits

Cannot import scikits-learn even though it seems to be installed

Per the scikit-learn user guide, I installed scikit-learn using pip install -U scikit-learn. So using pip search scikit-learn, I get …

python scikit-learn scikits
Missing values in scikits machine learning

Is it possible to have missing values in scikit-learn ? How should they be represented? I couldn't find any documentation about …

python machine-learning scikit-learn missing-data scikits
Removing features with low variance using scikit-learn

scikit-learn provides various methods to remove descriptors, a basic method for this purpose has been provided by the given tutorial …

python-2.7 scikit-learn scikits
View onto a numpy array?

I have a 2D numpy array. Is there a way to create a view onto it that would include the …

python numpy scikits
Find out error rate using sklearn

I want to find out the error rate using svm classifier in python, the approach that I am taking to …

python machine-learning svm scikits scikit-learn
How to whiten matrix in PCA

I'm working with Python and I've implemented the PCA using this tutorial. Everything works great, I got the Covariance I …

python pca scikits
How do I create a sklearn.datasets.base.Bunch object in scikit-learn from my own data?

In most of the Scikit-learn algorithms, the data must be loaded as a Bunch object. For many example in the …

scikit-learn scikits
Python scikits - Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2)

I am trying this code snippet. I am using scikits.learn 0.8.1 from scikits.learn import linear_model import numpy as …

python numpy regression scikits scikit-learn
sklearn (scikit-learn) logistic regression package -- set trained coefficients for classification.

So I read the scikit-learn package webpate: I …

python machine-learning scikits scikit-learn
Python statistics package: difference between statsmodel and scipy.stats

I need some advice on selecting statistics package for Python, I've done quite some search, but not sure if I …

python scipy scikits statsmodels