Spark DataFrame: does groupBy after orderBy maintain that order?

Ana Todor picture Ana Todor · Sep 15, 2016 · Viewed 28.8k times · Source

I have a Spark 2.0 dataframe example with the following structure:

id, hour, count
id1, 0, 12
id1, 1, 55
id1, 23, 44
id2, 0, 12
id2, 1, 89
id2, 23, 34

It contains 24 entries for each id (one for each hour of the day) and is ordered by id, hour using the orderBy function.

I have created an Aggregator groupConcat:

  def groupConcat(separator: String, columnToConcat: Int) = new Aggregator[Row, String, String] with Serializable {
    override def zero: String = ""

    override def reduce(b: String, a: Row) = b + separator + a.get(columnToConcat)

    override def merge(b1: String, b2: String) = b1 + b2

    override def finish(b: String) = b.substring(1)

    override def bufferEncoder: Encoder[String] = Encoders.STRING

    override def outputEncoder: Encoder[String] = Encoders.STRING

It helps me concatenate columns into strings to obtain this final dataframe:

id, hourly_count
id1, 12:55:..:44
id2, 12:89:..:34

My question is, if I do example.orderBy($"id",$"hour").groupBy("id").agg(groupConcat(":",2) as "hourly_count"), does that guarantee that the hourly counts will be ordered correctly in their respective buckets?

I read that this is not necessarily the case for RDDs (see Spark sort by key and then group by to get ordered iterable?), but maybe it's different for DataFrames ?

If not, how can I work around it ?


Adair picture Adair · Apr 25, 2018

groupBy after orderBy doesn't maintain order, as others have pointed out. What you want to do is use a Window function--partition on id and order by hours. You can collect_list over this and then take the max (largest) of the resulting lists since they go cumulatively (i.e. the first hour will only have itself in the list, the second hour will have 2 elements in the list, and so on).

Complete example code:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import spark.implicits._

val data = Seq(( "id1", 0, 12),
  ("id1", 1, 55),
  ("id1", 23, 44),
  ("id2", 0, 12),
  ("id2", 1, 89),
  ("id2", 23, 34)).toDF("id", "hour", "count")

    val mergeList = udf{(strings: Seq[String]) => strings.mkString(":")}
    data.withColumn("collected", collect_list($"count")
            .withColumn("hourly_count", mergeList($"collected"))
            .select("id", "hourly_count").show

This keeps us within the DataFrame world. I also simplified the UDF code the OP was using.


| id|hourly_count|
|id1|    12:55:44|
|id2|    12:89:34|