Top "Sbt" questions

sbt is an open source build tool for Scala and Java projects, similar to Java's Maven or Ant.

Activator `.sbt.ivy.lock` is not available

I am trying to generate Eclipse and IDEA projects for a play project using activator. When I tried doing this, …

sbt typesafe-activator
How to open SBT Tool Window in Intellij?

This question may sound silly for you, but I have been searching the Internet for a while and couldn't find …

scala intellij-idea sbt
Setting up sbt to use Java 7 for compilation?

I'm getting compile errors when running the compile task as the sources reference new classes in java.nio.file package …

scala sbt
What is the difference between build.sbt and build.scala?

I started to learn Scala and almost in every tutorial I see a build.sbt file which describes project settings. …

scala sbt
How to prevent java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space?

I am frequently getting an OutOfMemoryError from SBT. > test [error] java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space […

scala sbt
SBT Error: "Failed to construct terminal; falling back to unsupported..."

I have run into an ERROR with SBT today. It can best be shown with the sbt sbt-version command: Run …

Build.scala, % and %% symbols meaning

I'm new to Play! Framework 2.1 (java version) and have no experience with scala. I don't understand what are and what …

scala sbt playframework-2.1
Spark2.1.0 incompatible Jackson versions 2.7.6

I am trying to run a simple spark example in intellij, but I get the error like that: Exception in …

scala apache-spark jackson sbt incompatibletypeerror
Create Simple Project SBT 0.10.X

(This is a follow up to sbt not creating projects correctly. The question wasn't answered.) Basically, that question says "I …

scala sbt
How can I skip tests in an SBT build?

I have an SBT 0.7.5 project and its some test cases fail. Until all test cases are fixed, I want to …

scala sbt