Top "Sbt" questions

sbt is an open source build tool for Scala and Java projects, similar to Java's Maven or Ant.

How to access test resources in Scala?

I have a file data.xml in src/test/resources/. How can I read that file into a new FileReader …

scala sbt
sbt-assembly: deduplication found error

I am not sure whether mergestrategy or exclude jars is the best option here. Any help with how do I …

scala sbt sbt-assembly
An easy way to get rid of *everything* generated by SBT?

Is there an easy way to get rid of everything getting generated as a result of performing an SBT build? …

scala sbt
How to force IntelliJ IDEA to reload dependencies from build.sbt after they changed?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 13 (Community Edition) with the Scala plugin. My initial import of an existing Scala project with a …

scala intellij-idea sbt
how to set main class in SBT 0.13 project

Could you guys please explain to me how to set main class in SBT project ? I'm trying to use version 0.13. …

scala sbt
How to include an external jar file into the jar with package?

My project has dependency on an external jar. I have created a directory lib and have copied the jar file …

How to publish jar to local repository?

I have a library compiled to a jar (not an sbt project, no source code, just the jar file) that's …

How to fully clean, re-resolve and rebuild a Scala sbt-managed project in IDEA?

TL;DR: How can I fully reconcile all dependencies in IntelliJ when SBT file changes I have a SBT project …

scala intellij-idea sbt
Create standalone jar using SBT

I was a heavy Maven user and now I'm gradually using SBT for some of my projects. I'd like to …

sbt uberjar
How run sbt assembly command without tests from command line?

I have read questions: this and that. They suggest to modify sbt file. But I want run sbt clean assembly …

testing build sbt