sbt is an open source build tool for Scala and Java projects, similar to Java's Maven or Ant.
Getting Below exception , when i tried to perform unit tests for my spark streaming code on SBT windows using scalatest. …
scala apache-spark sbt spark-streaming scalatestI would like to share a helper trait between my "test" and "it" configurations in SBT, but I have not …
sbtI am using activator for cloning a project. I made eclipse.sbt to prepare project to import to Eclipse. after …
sbt ivy typesafe-activatorI've created a Config object with a get method to return different strings based on the PROJECT_ENV environment variable. …
scala sbt scalatestI am trying to use scalatest, but Intellij cannot recognize: import org.scalatest._ Here is my build.sbt file, located …
scala sbt scalatestInspired by the examples on the SBT github page, I'm trying to redirect the stdout produced from a run in …
sbt io-redirectionI want to change my output directory for some generated files, in this case generated objects from an XSD-Schema. Here …
scala playframework sbt playframework-2.1 scalaxbMetals announced that "It is now possible to run and test directly from VS Code using the new "Run", "Test", "…
scala visual-studio-code sbt scala-metalsI get notified about "unchecked" warnings when I compile my Scala project with SBT 0.11, but I can't see the warnings …
scala warnings sbt