Top "Sbjson" questions

Related to the SBJson Objective-C JSON parser/generator.

Convert JSON feed to NSDictionary

Where JSON_CATEGORY_DATA_URL_STRING is my feed URL, which returns fine as: [ { "group":"For Sale", "code":"SSSS" }, { "group":"…

ios objective-c nsarray nsdictionary sbjson
create a json string from NSArray

In my iPhone aplication I have a list of custom objects. I need to create a json string from them. …

iphone objective-c json sbjson
6 duplicate symbols for architecture i386

duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_SBJsonParser in: /Users/Gaditek/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/DietBet-gyhoyhmdrobtqregldjyixtgmize/Build/Intermediates/…

iphone ios objective-c compiler-errors sbjson
iOS NSDictionary value determine if Boolean from JSON boolean

I have a JSON response from a web server that looks like this: {"success":true, "token":"123456"} and I want to …

ios json sbjson
How to serialize a class in IOS sdk (Objective-c)?

How to serialize the following class in objective-c so that it can be used with SBJson? I get "JSON serialisation …

iphone objective-c json serialization sbjson
Objective-C - How to convert NSString to escaped JSON string?

I have a NSString that may contain quotes,\, /, \r, \n, and I want to convert it to a JSON encoded …

objective-c escaping sbjson
JSON string from NSDictionary having file path

I am working on the app in which I store the file name and file path in NSDictionary. My dictionary …

ios objective-c parsing nsstring sbjson
NSURLErrorDomain Code = -1012 error

I am trying to log into a server, but I am receiving an error. I am using SBJSON to convert …

nsurlrequest sbjson
Detect null and "null"-like JSON values? xcode

I have a problem with inserting data to a cell in tableView. When I searched for the source of error …

iphone objective-c ios sbjson