Top "Save" questions

To store (data) in a computer or on a storage device.

C Win32: save .bmp image from HBITMAP

I am working with a framegrabber and need to get the images from computer memory and save them on an …

c image winapi save file-handling
Cakephp 3.0 Save associated model

I am learning cakePHP 3.0 and have some problem with saving associated data on my model. I try to save a …

cakephp save model-associations cakephp-3.0 associated-object
Command for exporting/saving table made with Formattable package in R I've been using the Formattable package to make some nice looking …

r save export formattable
Save picture to a variety of file formats

I have a routine procedure DrawStuff(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect) that draws something to a specified rectangle on a …

delphi canvas save delphi-2007 image
Setting size of the rgl device

I have a problem with the fullscreen / non-fullscreen of my rgl device. Currently I use R 3.00 I plot a persp3…

r plot latex save rgl
Python create save button that saves an edited version to the same file(not save as)

This is a simple notepad program that i am currently writing. Most things are working but cannot get the save …

python tkinter save notepad
Run-time error when canceling a 'Save As' dialog displayed via VBA

I have a macro that formats a document in a certain way, and then saves it, using ActiveDocument.Save. However, …

vba save word-2007
Hibernate will not persist data after save

Can someone explain why the "lastAccessed" date does not get saved to the database in this example and how I …

spring hibernate save flush persist
telling uglify to keep certain comments (using CodeKit)

I'm using CodeKit to develop a WordPress theme. Of course I'd like to compress the LESS when it's compiled into …

compilation comments save less preserve
In Matlab, is it possible to terminate a script, but save all its internal variables to workspace?

I am running a script, but it is taking much too long so I want to terminate the script. However …

matlab save workspace keyboardinterrupt