How can I dump pillar data, that will be send to minion

Tomáš Fejfar picture Tomáš Fejfar · Jun 11, 2013 · Viewed 17k times · Source

When I do highstate at minion, there is a strange error. I suspect, that the pillar data on the minion may not be right. Can I somehow dump the pillar data from minion?


Colton Myers picture Colton Myers · Jun 12, 2013

As you said in your answer to your own question,

salt '*'

will show all the data. However, you have some additional useful commands:

salt '*' pillar.raw

will show the raw data as it's loaded into the __pillar__ dict.

salt '*' pillar.get <key>

will show you the value of some key in pillar, with the ability to default to a certain value if the key doesn't exist. (The default is super useful when you're using pillar when templating states)