Top "Saas" questions

Software as a service (SaaS), or "on-demand software," is a software delivery model in which software and its associated data are hosted centrally and are typically accessed by users using a thin client, normally using a web browser over the Internet.

SaaS, SOA and Web Services

This question may be foolish, but I am really confused. I want to implement a Software as a Service (SaaS), …

web-services soa saas
Choosing between Google Cloud Flexible or Standard Environment

I'm starting to build a web/mobile app that is going to be offered as SaaS. I have seen many …

google-app-engine google-cloud-platform saas
How to run Docker container from Java project?

How to run a docker container from java code? I'm trying to make a SaaS using docker, once the user …

java docker saas git-bash
What's the difference between an Saas and an API. (SaaS vs Api)

I would like to know what is the difference between a SaaS and an API. I feel like it's somehow …

Multi-tenant SAAS in Django

I have developed Multi-tenant SAAS apps in PHP/Laravel but recently I had a challenge to develop one in Django/…

python django web-applications database-design saas
SQL CREATE LOGON - can't use @parameter as username

I'm a developer and I suck at SQL:) Please help me out here. I'd like to create my own Stored …

sql stored-procedures login saas
Using Varnish with SaaS HTTPS backend servers?

I want to configure Varnish to use HTTPS(!) services as backend services. The key here is the SSL part of …

https varnish saas portal edge-side-includes
ServiceNow - how to write a select query retrieving values from 2 tables

I'm new to ServiceNow but I know SQL and it just doesn't make sense that I was unable top find …

database saas servicenow
SaaS Application start from scratch

In terms of expansion of my knowledge, I would like to try to make an SaaS application. I dont really …

php ruby-on-rails saas
SaaS / Multi-Tenancy approaches for Java-based (GWT, Spring, Hibernate) web applications

I am currently looking into converting a single-tenant Java based web-app that uses Spring, GWT, Hibernate, Jackrabbit, Hibernate Search / Lucene (…

java multi-tenant hibernate-search saas