Top "Rust-obsolete" questions

Versions of Rust predating 1.0 can have drastically different syntax and semantics.

How can I generate a random number within a range in Rust?

Editor's note: This code example is from a version of Rust prior to 1.0 and is not syntactically valid Rust 1.0 code. …

random rust rust-obsolete
How can I convert char to string?

This question pertains to a pre-release version of Rust. This younger question is similar. I tried to print one symbol …

rust rust-obsolete
Use of undeclared type or module `std` when used in a separate module

I have the following code: pub mod a { #[test] pub fn test() { println!("{:?}", std::fs::remove_file("Somefilehere")); } } I get …

rust rust-obsolete
Rust pattern matching over a vector

The tutorial shows some very basic examples of pattern matching, such as matching over an integer to emulate a c-style …

vector pattern-matching rust rust-obsolete
How would you implement a bi-directional linked list in Rust?

Note that this question refers to a version of Rust before Rust 1.0. Although the syntax has changed, the concepts are …

rust rust-obsolete
Two dimensional vectors in Rust

Editor's note: This question predates Rust 0.1 (tagged 2013-07-03) and is not syntactically valid Rust 1.0 code. Answers may still contain …

vector rust mutable rust-obsolete
Why "explicit lifetime bound required" for Box<T> in struct?

Editor's note: This code no longer produces the same error after RFC 599 was implemented, but the concepts discussed in the …

rust rust-obsolete
What is typestate?

What does TypeState refer to in respect to language design? I saw it mentioned in some discussions regarding a new …

rust language-design rust-obsolete