Top "Rust-diesel" questions

This tag should be used for questions related to the diesel Rust ORM.

PostgreSQL authentication method 10 not supported

I'm trying to follow the tutorial using PostgreSQL. When I get to the Diesel setup step, I get …

postgresql rust rust-diesel
"use of undeclared type or module" when using Diesel's `belongs_to` attribute

I'm loosely following Diesel's getting started guide trying to set up a relational database, but getting the following error on …

rust rust-diesel
Timestamp in Rust's Diesel Library with Postgres

I have been taking a look at Rust's Diesel ORM today by following along on this walk-through, and I can't …

postgresql rust rust-diesel
Cannot infer type for `U`

I am using Rust and Diesel: fn create_asset_from_object(assets: &HashMap<String, Assets_Json>) { let …

rust rust-diesel