Top "Runtime" questions

Runtime is the time during which a program is running (executing)

In .NET, at runtime: How to get the default value of a type from a Type object?

Possible Duplicate: Default value of a type In C#, to get the default value of a Type, i can write... …

c# .net runtime types
How to read Javadoc comments by reflection?

I need to know how to read Javadoc comments at run-time (probably by reflection?) Say I have the following function: /** * …

java reflection runtime javadoc
How to get a JavaDoc of a method at run time?

Its easy to get a method Name of a Class at run time BUT How i can get a JavaDoc …

java oop runtime javadoc
Running Time of GCD Function Recursively (Euclid Algorithm)

I have only been able to find posts about how to implement the gcd function both recursively and iteratively, however …

c runtime time-complexity recurrence greatest-common-divisor
Java: Extending Class At Runtime

I have the capability to extend a class at compile time, but I need to be able to create an …

java inheritance runtime instantiation
Is it possible to replace a function/method decorator at runtime? [ python ]

If I have a function : @aDecorator def myfunc1(): # do something here if __name__ = "__main__": # this will call the function and …

python runtime language-features decorator
TableLayoutPanel rows & columns at runtime

im trying to build a usercontrol which contains a tablelayoutpanel. in this panel i need to dynamically add 3 columns with …

.net dynamic runtime tablelayoutpanel
What does `__import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)` do?

In some files of modules I saw such single line: __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__) What does …

python module namespaces runtime
Class in jar not found at runtime, but was used to compile

After I build this project from an ant file, I recieve a jar that contains all of the classes I …

java ant runtime java-3d compile-time
When does a constexpr function get evaluated at compile time?

Since it is possible that a function declared as constexpr can be called during run-time, under which criteria does the …

c++ c++11 runtime compile-time constexpr