I need to know how to read Javadoc comments at run-time (probably by reflection?)
Say I have the following function:
* function that do some thing
public void myFunc()
At runtime, I can get much information about this function by reflection.. But cannot read the comments. So the question is, How to read this javadoc comments at runtime.
Doclet class:
public class ExtractCommentsDoclet {
public static boolean start(RootDoc root) throws IOException {
for (ClassDoc c : root.classes()) {
print(c.qualifiedName(), c.commentText());
for (FieldDoc f : c.fields(false)) {
print(f.qualifiedName(), f.commentText());
for (MethodDoc m : c.methods(false)) {
print(m.qualifiedName(), m.commentText());
if (m.commentText() != null && m.commentText().length() > 0) {
for (ParamTag p : m.paramTags())
print(m.qualifiedName() + "@" + p.parameterName(), p.parameterComment());
for (Tag t : m.tags("return")) {
if (t.text() != null && t.text().length() > 0)
print(m.qualifiedName() + "@return", t.text());
return true;
private static void print(String name, String comment) throws IOException {
if (comment != null && comment.length() > 0) {
new FileWriter(name + ".txt").append(comment).close();
And maven execution:
Read docs from classpath:META-INF/apidocs