How to fix bad URI is not URI

prabu picture prabu · Mar 29, 2013 · Viewed 80.4k times · Source

I'm using the ruby version 1.9.3, I like to get host name from the video url below,

I tried with code

require 'uri'
url = ""  
puts URI.parse(url).host  

it throws an exception URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?):

I tried with encode the URL then parse like below

puts URI.parse(URI.parse(url)).host

it throws an exception same URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?)

But above code works for the below URL.

url =

How to fix this? any suggestion please. Thanks


Konrad Szczęśniak picture Konrad Szczęśniak · Mar 29, 2013

This url is not valid, but it works in browser because browser itself is less strict about special characters like :, /, etc.

You should encode your URI first

encoded_url = URI.encode(url)

And then parse it
