Devise Not Validating Password/Password Confirmation

Kyle Decot picture Kyle Decot · Jul 1, 2011 · Viewed 21.9k times · Source

I have a custom controller that handles the editing of user passwords based off of the code here.

User Model

attr_accessible :password, :password_confirmation, :username, :login
devise :database_authenticatable, 


expose(:user) { current_user }

def update
  if user.update_with_password(params[:user])
    sign_in(user, :bypass => true)
    flash[:notice] = "success"
    render :edit

My edit password form is located here.

The problem is that no matter what I enter (or don't enter for that matter) into the edit password form, The "success" flash method is displayed.


sarahhodne picture sarahhodne · Jul 9, 2011

If you want Devise to do validations, you need to add the :validatable module to your model. This is fairly easy to do, just add :validatable to the list of module in the devise call, so your model says:


This will make devise add validations.

Another easy way is to add your own validations. If you just want to validate that the password confirmation matches, you can add a validates_confirmation_of validation by adding this to your model:

validates_confirmation_of :password

I hope this helps.